These are the question link I am preparing. Just want to prepare a one stop link to all the people who want to brush up before you get start a new job search:
I am planning in to put answers also. Not sure when I will get to that.
If you would like to add any topics you can add it in comments I will add on to my list here. You can answers too if you like.
First trying to get the "oneliners" and "oh.. yeah I knew that". Just treat it as a test of our knowledge, if you don`t know google it.
Any list is never complete so I leave it up to you to follow these questions:
Questions are for beginner to intermediate level folks.
I plan to make the following questions segregated: so as of now bear with this:
What are the basic protocols in a micro contrller?
What is AHB?
What is APB?
What is bus arbitration?
What are the level of bus arbiter?
How is SRAM interfaced?
How is that shown in the
What are the pheripehrals of the microcontroller?
Where does the peripheral data get stored in the microcontroller?
What is that latency of the peripheral to SRAM with MPU transfer and DMA transfer?
What are the limitations of DMA? Can we over use DMA and not use core at all?
What are the basic peripheral protocols in a MCU?
What are the communication interfaces of the ARM core with peripherals?
What is direct memory accessing?
What is indirect memory accessing?
What is the size of an enum variable?
What is NVIC?
What are the interrupt priorities in an NVIC for STM32 or any other mcu?
What is masked interrupt?
What is a non-maskable interrupt?
What is a software interrupt? How can you generate a software interrupt? Where does it get called?
What is NOR-flash?
What is NAND flash?
What are the differeces between the 2 flahses?
What is NVMe technology?
How do you interface a mcu with other peripherals?
Computer architecutre:
What is the memory hierarchy?
What are the different memories in a computer?
What are the different memories in a computer?
What is mcu, processor, peripheral?
What is the RISC machine? What is CISC?
What is an instruction cycle?
What instruction ?
What instruction ?
Write a basic code for load store instruction?
How do you do that in arm?
How does the memory get mapped in the file?
What is the boot strap loader?
Did you develop any boot strap loaders?
What is von neuman architecture?
What is harvard architecture?
Explain a 4 bit adder?
What is nMOS ?
What is pMOS?
What is push-pull?
What is push-pull?
What is open drain?
What is USB?
What is a spinlock ?
What is a semaphore ?
Explain a semaphore?
What is a binary semaphire and what is a counting semaphore?
What is a mutex?
Where are mutexes used in common coding practises?
What is volatile type qualifier?
What is auto?
What is extern?
What is static ?how static ness can be used global spaces ?
What are pointers?
What is the usage of the pointers?
Can you give me an example of a fucntion pointer?
A fucntion which can pass and retrieve an array of funciton pointer?
What is a stack ?
What is a queue or ring buffer?
What is a queue or ring buffer?
How do you know if a buffer is circular?